Дмитрий Галов

Head of Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) Russia and CIS Unit

Dmitry Galov serves as the Head of Kaspersky's Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) Russia and CIS Unit. In this influential role, he leads the team of experts in charge of researching the most sophisticated cases related to APTs and financially motivated attacks. Dmitry embarked on his journey with Kaspersky in September 2015 as an intern and later joined GReAT in August 2018, gradually progressing to become Senior Security Researcher. Before assuming his current position, he spearheaded the crimeware research group, showcasing his leadership capabilities. Dmitry is an expert with a profound understanding of various threats. His extensive research, covering topics such as non-Windows malware, future connected healthcare, cyber-espionage campaigns, and ransomware, has been published on Securelist.com, a testament to his expertise and contributions. Known for his exceptional public speaking skills, Dmitry frequently represents Kaspersky at global and local events, leaving a lasting impact on audiences. Additionally, he actively participates in the creation of webinars and videos that delve into the realm of cybersecurity.



CloudSorcerer: новая APT-угроза, нацеленная на российские государственные организации

«Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила новую APT-угрозу CloudSorcerer, нацеленную на российские государственные организации и использующую облачные службы в качестве командных серверов аналогично APT CloudWizard.

StripedFly: двуликий и незаметный

Разбираем фреймворк StripedFly для целевых атак, использовавший собственную версию эксплойта EternalBlue и успешно прикрывавшийся майнером.

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