Марко Пройсс

Director, Global Research & Analysis Team, Europe

Marco was appointed Director of Europe for the company’s Global Research & Analysis Team in March 2013. Prior to becoming Director of Europe, Marco served as the Head of Kaspersky's Global Research & Analysis Team in Germany and Senior Security Researcher. Marco has been working in the area of networking and IT security since the early 2000s. Having a long time experience in his role, he is responsible for monitoring the threat landscape in Europe while specializing in threat intelligence, darknet research, password security, IoT security and privacy. In addition to research-related projects, Marco is a regular speaker at both closed and public events, and maintains close contact with security partners. Marco began his career with Kaspersky back in 2004 as a Technical Consultant, providing expert knowledge on Linux and Unix-based systems. He has also been involved in corporate sales management, before moving on to become the technical contact for the OEM department, supporting customized solutions. Marco worked extensively with the company’s product design and development teams and joined the research team as a Virus Analyst in 2009.



CloudSorcerer: новая APT-угроза, нацеленная на российские государственные организации

«Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила новую APT-угрозу CloudSorcerer, нацеленную на российские государственные организации и использующую облачные службы в качестве командных серверов аналогично APT CloudWizard.

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