
Антон Иванов

Chief Technology Officer

Anton Ivanov heads the company’s research and development department. Anton joined Kaspersky in 2011 as a malware analyst. For five years, he worked as a senior malware analyst in the company’s Heuristic Detection Group. In 2016, Anton started to lead the Behavioral Detection Team. The team’s main focus was to proactively protect customers from different kinds of malware threats, including ransomware. In 2018, Anton became Head of the Advanced Threats Research and Detection Team, responsible for Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) attacks research and improving the quality of anti-targeted attack detection products. In 2019, he was appointed VP of Threat research responsible for overseeing a number of strategically important tasks at the company, including the promotion and development of Kaspersky’s Threat Research Team and building up company’s technology stack.



CloudSorcerer: новая APT-угроза, нацеленная на российские государственные организации

«Лаборатория Касперского» обнаружила новую APT-угрозу CloudSorcerer, нацеленную на российские государственные организации и использующую облачные службы в качестве командных серверов аналогично APT CloudWizard.

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